Samstag, 27. Juni 2015
Short and Sweet
Today I found my first German tick. He looked very young. He probably wasn't any bigger than the head of a needle. He was locked into my leg, but he was dead and completely empty. I have narrowed it down to 2 possible scenarios: either (1) he was so small that he couldn't reach my blood, causing him to die of starvation, or (2) my body contains potent tick poison, killing the intruder immediately on contact. In either case, I don't think I need to worry about diseases... but I'll keep an eye on it just in case.

Of course, finding one tick meant that our household experienced a full-body tick check to make sure we were clean. I'm happy to report that neither Elizabeth nor I had any other ticks sucking on us.

As you might have seen on Facebook, yesterday Elizabeth and I tried our first Pizza Opa - which is pizza with cheesburger helper on top. Despite the fact that noodles kept rolling away, it was spectacular. Assuming my body can handle more, I'm certain I'll order it again in the future.

We went to a real soccer game on Wednesday! I'm using the word "real" somewhat loosely, but it was a lot of fun. At work. there is a yearly scrimmage between the Corporate Controlling employees and the Business Field Controlling employees. Apparently I only narrowly missed being coerced into participating. Next year, they say, it will be unavoidable. It looks like I'll need to buy a soccer ball and cleats, and study the rules of the game. On the plus side, they apparently don't ever have any practices, so the performance expertations are low.

We also received our dining room chairs on Wednesday! We missed the original delivery, so we had to pick them up from a key shop a half mile down the road. Believe me, Elizabeth and I were a sight to be seen that day... literally dragging two big boxes all of the way back to our apartment. People crossed the road to stay out of our way. It was loads of fun.

Anyway, today is a slow day. We are taking care of some chores (scrubbing the floor that is sticky for reasons unknown, laundry, etc). There's a refreshing rain drizzling down, keeping out apartment the most wonderful temperature. And I think we're going to walk over to the grocery soon (a new one!) just for kicks.

After long weeks at work, I greatly appreciate laid-back weekends. However, I know that's not why we're here. We'll have plenty of time for relaxation in 2018 when we get back to Kentucky. We'll work on integrating spontaneous travel into every spare second we have!

Wish us luck! And, if you haven't heard me say it before: tell us about your lives! I'm dying to hear about everything you think is too broing to talk about.

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