Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2015
The heat has FINALLY broke a bit. It's only supposed to reach the mid-80s for the next few weeks, which we can totally handle. My windows are wide open and the constant smells of meat roasting on a spit from our downstairs Döner shop are relentless and enticing. I have "discovered" the Döner Box, which is a little Chinese take-out box of Döner meat and french fries and some sort of variation of tzatziki sauce. You're supposed to eat it with a fork, but in case you haven't met me, I'm not a big fan of eating utensils when the food is especially delicious. The meat is somehow crispy and juicy at the same time and the french fries are a little soggy and perfectly seasoned. For some reason, the Döner Box reminds me of my brother and how much I miss his food. Kyle and I have made friends with a couple of the younger guys from the Döner shop, whose English is surprisingly good.

I think I've finally settled into satisfaction with living in a foreign land. I've discovered that doing Yoga daily (or at least, almost daily) makes me a happier person and I'm starting a Tai Chi/meditation practice next week. We are exploring more of our surroundings; going out to restaurants and bars with new friends and hiking on Sundays. Last Sunday I demanded to see Das Kastell Freimühle (or "The Castle Free Mill" is the best I can translate), which is a part of the Deutsche Limes-Strasse, a path that follows the borders of the Ancient Roman Empire. This "Strasse" is marked with historic Roman ruins of forts, towers, etc. Freimühle is about a 3 mile hike from where we live. I always forget to look at the weather before we leave for a hike and 90+ degrees seems to follow us whenever we walk for more than two miles. I just about died and took Kyle with me on this six mile hike last Sunday. It's ironic that the prettiest photos I took were about a two minute walk from where we live.

It's not much, but those stones marks the exit of the fort! So cool to be surrounded by so much ancient history.

I really want to see what's behind this door!

Right before my heat-induced fury. It looks like liiiittle dinosaurs should live here!

Yes, this is two minutes from our apartment.

Kyle and I have officially started planning monthly mini-vacations--we go to Nuremberg for a classical music festival on Sunday and will probably go to the Black Forest or Neuschwanstein Castle in August. WE'RE GOING TO PRAGUE, KUTNA HORA, AND OKTOBERFEST IN STUTTGART IN SEPTEMBER!!! AND Kyle is running his first marathon in Weiden/Amberg to kick off the trip (it's called "The Friendship Marathon." Adorable, right?) Super stoked about all that business.

Things are starting to feel almost normal for us. Our last piece of furniture arrives tomorrow, our temporary kitchen only sucks a little bit, Mama and Dave are visiting us in October. Things are pretty great.

But seriously: that Döner shop is driving me crazy. It's pretty dang awesome.



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