Samstag, 29. August 2015
German Stuffs
We have a kitchen!

Sorry, did I blow the biggest news upfront? Should I end the blog already? Clearly I couldn't have anything more important to write about for this week.

It was so crazy: Rieger called Elizabeth on Wednesday, out of the blue, telling her they were coming on Friday. It's really weird that they operate on such short notice. If I was alone, I would likely need several days, if not weeks, in order to schedule time (an entire day!) away from work for them. Luckily, of course, I have Elizabeth here to take care of everything for me. I truly believe it would be impossible to manage all of it alone.

As you can see, it looks great. And Elizabeth had to sit around with them the entire day... from 8 am until 5 pm. I failed to get home early, so she had to deal with them alone. When I got home, she was in the process of signing the papers and handing them the cash.

Side note: I'm very uncomfortable about paying them cash. They supposedly checked a box that indicated they received cash from us, but it was all in German words that we weren't familiar with. I fully expect Rieger to come knocking down our door in a few weeks demanding a few more thousand euros.

BUT, who cares about a kitchen? This week my sister announced that she's pregnant! I will be studying up on the German family words. I will be an "Onkel", and they will be either my "Nichte" or my "Neffe"! After years of my sister telling me to hurry up, it looks like she has gone ahead and beaten me to it! She even sent us a letter about it (with suspiciously little postage...)!

In other news, no more long runs for me. My first European marathon is in 3 weeks. I am not ready in the slightest, so I won't be bragging about my results, haha. Regardless of pace, I fully intend to participate in as many marathons as humanly possible while I'm here.

Today I made an honest attempt to run to another mountain, but it was much much farther away than I expected. I will pencil it in for another day. As of this blog post, I have not identified this mystery mountain. Rest assured it will be found and conquered before I am done here.

That might be all that I have for you today. No new information about our speeding ticket, but we'll let you know when we know more about that subject. Elizabeth baked a cake today, so that'll be how I'm spending the rest of my evening.

Bis bald!

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