Sonntag, 7. Februar 2016
New Year, New Fun
It has been a long time. Let's just say, I wanted to guarantee that no one was "over-Kyled" after spending the Christmas break with me. I also needed time to collect enough stories to keep everyone entertained (myself included).

Most everyone knows of the biggest event so far this year: bringing the 2 cats to Germany. It was better than I had imagined. In fact, not a single thing went wrong. Fascinating story, right?

Honestly, I had never been more exhausted than I was that day. It wasn't about what WAS happening. It was about what COULD happen. For all 18 hours, my attention was glued to the cats. I didn't sleep. I hardly read or watched anything. All I did was stare at the cats, looking for signs of distress, waiting for the worst to happen. I took the cats into the bathroom as often as I could, trying to encourage them to pee. To no avail. Instead, the cats simply never peed. Like, at all.

After arriving in Stuttgart, Liz and I spent the following hour scouring the airport for someone to tell us what we needed to do with the cats. There was sweat, there were tears. And the final answer was, "Nothing". We didn't need to do a #@&!$ thing with the cats in the airport.

Anyway, the it took a few days for the cats to be comfortable with the space... and a few weeks for them to be comfortable with us leaving them for any amount of time. However, I sincerely believe they are happier now in this space. I believe Liz is happier. And can only suspect that Eric is much happier.

What else...
Liz has been on a scheduling rampage. I think every vacation for the next 2 years has been completely planned out. It is fantastic. We should have plenty more pictures and adventures to share in the future.

Babies are happening this month. I could be an uncle any day now. And Liz's dear friend delivered only a few days ago. So, while we are back in Germany now, it's hard not to wish we were in Kentucky again. I'm sure this will be just the 1st of a great number of significant moments we'll miss while we're here. I'll try to convince Liz to spend more time in the US when things like babies are happening... but she can be quite the stubborn lady.

Anything else?
Our German-American friends invited us over to their home again. Mostly because of their great generosity, and partly because we had thousands of dollars worth of their Christmas presents in our luggage :) I'm getting back into the rhythm of work. It has been a rather difficult year so far, but I expect it to improve soon enough. And I'm running casually these days, to build a solid base for the summer, when Eric will kick my behind.

Our German lessons have begun again. Our speaking skills look less and less promising with each passing lesson. I know I can't expect more, considering we have 3 hours of classes per week. That's half the amount of lessons a child receives. In other words: we should be as good as a kid who has taken a language for one semester. Or even worse, considering kids learn languages much more quickly than adults. Still, I deeply despise being this publicly bad at something. Something that I'm constantly reminded of and quizzed on.

Here's a cat playing with my coffee:

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