Sonntag, 21. Februar 2016
Nothing so far
Hello again,

Another 2 weeks have passed with very few noteworthy events. Luckily, Elizabeth has done a great deal of planning our future vacations. We should have good stories shortly. Beginning with a brief trip to Barcelona!

We are very excited to see Barcelona. Of course, the area is beautiful and I will be running/walking a potentially visibly breathtaking marathon. But we are also excited because my old boss lives in the area. She has agreed to spend some time with us during our visit! She is the number one reason why coming to Germany was even an option. It has been far too long since I have seen her.

Aside from that, I have been sick, so I've not been getting into too many shenanigans. We didn't even go to the Flohmarkt this week. We are just twiddling our thumbs waiting to meet my new nephew!

So, instead of our own stories, here are some German things.

Jetzt haben wir den Salat / Now we have the salad

This saying is used when a mess occurs that was entirely avoidable.

da steppt der Bär / there's a tap-dancing bear

"Come on out with us tonight. You'll have a great time!"

seinen Senf dazugeben / they add their mustard

This is a person who always gives their opinions, whether requested or not.

da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren / Hops and malts are lost on that

It's a lost cause.

And I'll end with one last simple word...

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