Donnerstag, 13. April 2017
Easter Weekend
It's Easter weekend, which is quite a big deal over here. Well, at least a bigger deal than in America. Easter was always strictly a Sunday activity for me growing up. Typically just church and then lunch, once I outgrew the egg hunts. But in Germany both Friday and Monday are national holidays, ALL stores are closed Fri/Sun/Mon (except gas stations, I suppose), the nearby city of Aalen has a street festival, and various local Catholic churches have special services. Liz and I were invited to a Saturday service. We'll snap a picture if we go. So, what are your Easter plans?

Also! we'll be babysitting vampire cat again, but only for one day, and absolutely not in our apartment this time around. Sorry. No crazy cat parties this time.

Next week a coworker from KY is visiting for about ten days. He'll be busy, but it's his first time over here, and he's alone, so I plan on seeing him a few times. I owe him anyway - he picked out my shoes.

If you haven't heard, twice now Liz and I have joined Puppies, Cats, & Cake. That's when we walk shelter dogs for an hour or two, play with shelter cats, and then eat homemade cake. It's as spectacular as it sounds. Some dogs are better than others. Rosa had her moments.

(Those are the shoes that I mentioned, btw.)
And some dogs were... special.

My coworker, Sarah, and her sister, Julia, take us each month. This last time, new friend Alena joined us as well. The next Puppies, Cats, & Cake is at the end of April. We'll see if Liz is up for it, being 8.5 months pregnant.

Umm... Liz and I are making a giant commitment soon. We're buying a fern! Liz and I have horrid track records with caring for plants. Not to mention that the cats' are obsessed with vegetation. As a result we've lived 100% plant-free for years now. All of that is about to change because I randomly decided we needed something green in the apartment. Maybe red. We'll see. Wish us luck!

I haven't shaved my face in 2017. That's news, I guess. It's not as much hair as one might think since my jowls are naturally bald. But it's bright red, so I get lots of attention, which, you know, is what I'm all about.

Beer! This is sad news for Liz, but very exciting for me: the grocery near us now carries a selection of not-terrible beer. One small corner now contains some German craft brews - and Stone Arrogant Bastard. About ten choices in total. Now, it's not America expensive, but it's certainly Germany expensive, at 2 or 3 euros per bottle, so I probably won't buy them often. It's just nice to be around good beer.

Sorry there aren't better pictures, and that we haven't traveled anywhere lately. Liz is busy growing things, and I'm just lazy. I do have cat pictures because, you know, cats. But there are enough pictures of cats online as it is.


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