Montag, 12. Oktober 2015
Short Week
Hello again,

It feels like no time has passed since my last post. Nothing interesting happened most of the week. We had our first 2 German classes after a very long break. Don't worry: my German isn't any more ridiculously hopeless than it was before our vacation.

I started running again, lightly, every now and then. I should be in functional shape for my next race in 3 weeks. I'm running the Alb Marathon 50K as a relay with other Kyle. He and I are splitting the distance, so it's only 15 or 16 miles for each of us. I'd consider running it alone, if it weren't for the ridiculous elevation profile of the race. I don't think I could deal with that right now. Perhaps next year.

I started the week off sick, and Elizabeth followed right behind me. It made us a little less active... a little less ambitious. But it was over fairly quickly.

And right in time, too! Today Carole and Dave came to visit our apartment! They are our first American visitors. It was very good to see their familiar faces again. We took them on a short tour of the city and took them to eat regional foods they hadn't tried yet.

Lastly, some huge strides were made towards bringing the cats to Germany. My mom took the boys to the vet and got their certifications! I don't know what we'd do without her. We are excited to have them around again. The apartment can feel empty without our boys.

But yeah... other than that nothing happened this week. We'll work on being more interesting in the future!

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Samstag, 3. Oktober 2015
Back in Business
We are back in business, everybody!

I have missed the last two weeks of blog posts due to our Prague vacation. I will try to make up for lost time here today. I will try to cover everything, leaving out as many unimportant details as possible.

Our first stop on the train trip to Prague was Weiden, Germany. Elizabeth graciously spent one day here so that I could participate in a random marathon, called the Freundschaftsmarathon. I wasn't exactly prepared, but I wasn't reckless either. I spent the last 3 months running 30 to 40 miles per week. My goal these next few years will be to participate in several European marathons without getting injured. So far so good.

In a pleasant twist, the Freundschaftsmarathon was primarily a team race. Most people were either in a 4-person relay team or they were part of a bike-run team (where you take turns running and resting on a bike). The distinct disadvantage brought out the more competitive side in me, and it kept me going strong throughout the race.

Huge thanks have to given to Elizabeth. While I was running, she was stuck hauling our luggage all around Weiden, waiting for me to finish. For the rest of our trip, I carried all of the luggage in return, but I don't think that we're even quite yet. I was surprised that no one stopped to offer her help!

We hopped back onto the train and arrived in the Old Town of Prague. Prague is a beautiful place. Too bad it's crammed full of so many people! We enjoyed our visit, but the large crowds really did a number on Elizabeth's anxiety. Look at that leer she's giving me in the Grand Cafe Orient.

We went on a city tour, which lasted 4 hours. We went on a ghost tour, which lasted another 4 hours. We went on a brewery tour, which lasted 6 hours. And of course I had us walking all around the city during our spare time. After 2 or 3 days of that nonsense, we looked as exhausted as this poor, chubby baby:

We took a brief trip to Kutna Hora in the middle of the vacation. It was a nice, relaxing break from all of the tourists. We stayed right down the street from the St Barbara's Cathedral, enjoying the silence. And, also, the skeletons. Good times.

We headed back to Prague after we recovered, this time to the Castle District. If it wasn't for the hilliness, I think this would have been Elizabeth's favorite part of the trip. All of the streets were old cobblestone. The giftshops were fancy, the food was super cheap, and there was plenty to look at. Take the Lennon Wall, for example:

I can't exactly say why it exists. However, it is busting at the seams with artwork, and there is always a person or two in front of it singing our Beatles favorites.

Last but not least was our day-trip to Stuttgart for the Cannstatter Volksfest! We chose to take Germanwings from Prague because it was cheaper and (supposedly) faster. Unfortunately, our first flight was delayed an hour, causing us to miss our second flight. We were pushed to the next available flight, which was 4 hours later than the original. And then, of course, that flight was also delayed an hour. Needless to say, that was a day lost to the airport. At least now we can say that we've eaten airport sushi before!

Our day in Stuttgart was wildly fortuitous. Lydia, from the US, just happened to be in Stuttgart that day. She met up with us in a local dirndl shop, and then took us out for a quick drink. We were lucky to have her around. She even taught us how to properly ride the subway, haha.

Anyway, we got changed and ran out to the fest (which was amazingly close to the hotel). We walked into the first giant beer tent we saw... and walked right back out. At 4:00 pm on a Monday, we weren't expecting much. However, this place was particularly dead.

So we tried another. "Sonja Merz". This one at least had a live band playing. We sat down and ordered our enormous beers. The beers only come in 1-liter glasses, and they aren't exactly are favorite types. After finishing them off, we were still convinced that we could do better. So the search continued.

Our 3rd place was a success. "Göckelesmaier". There were lots of people but still some tables on the edges that were empty, which kept Elizabeth from getting claustrophobic while she warmed up to the big party idea. You can see her here with a look of reserved excitement:

Still not completely satisfied, we made one last attempt at finding the best party. We walked into "Schwabenwelt" and were blown away. The place was packed, and everyone was already standing on their tables and singing along to the band (it's not a party until you're standing on the tables!). Two beers down, we were in the perfect condition to jump right in with the festivities.

Yada yada yada, we got back to the hotel safe and sound, with takeout döner and Thai food in hand.

Elizabeth planned everything in this trip, and it was a total blast. But we have learned that we are not made for these European vacations! They just sooo long. It took all of our willpower to go outside before noon towards the end. Still, I can't wait for the next one.

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Montag, 14. September 2015
Cooling Down
The days are growing shorter and colder. I'm feeling super tired. Running is winding down as I prepare myself for my first German marathon. Our Prague vacation begins next week, too. So, this week will likely be entirely spent catching up on sleep. Again, today's German lesson will be disappointing for my teacher - as I sit comatose across from her. But, just maybe, I'll come back from Prague actually able to participate and learn again.

Saturday we went to another festival! This time it was the Reichsstädter Tage in Aalen. Aalen is such a quick and inexpensive trip, we should go there more often.

The first half of our day was spent with the Seegers. They met us right away and showed us around town. We toured the festival (it was really big complex - for someone not familiar with Aalen), listened to the music, and ate some great food (including a heart-shaped waffle that I will never hear the end of, haha).

Being at the festival early (we arrived at noon) was quite nice. There weren't big crowds yet. After the Seegers left, we waited around for Kyle and Chrissy, who planned to come after 4:00.

We killed the time by having a fashion show! Elizabeth found a street vendor selling dirndls, and jumped right in. There were no "dressing rooms", so she just stepped behind the booth with the old German lady. I never knew Elizabeth could look so German. No pictures were taken... but we will definitely be taking some in 2 weeks at the Cannstatter Volksfest!

In all hopes, I'll also be wearing something German of my own. I'm fairly certain it is illegal for me to drink 1 liter beers in German public streets if I'm not at least wearing some sort of plaid.

Kyle and Chrissy came as scheduled, and the party started all over again. Elizabeth took a picture of us with our 1 liter beers, but I'm still sad she didn't have one and join the picture. We need to learn the phrase "Please take a picture for us" in German. Maybe we can ask that in class today...

Anyway, now we're back to the usual weekday grind, with some souvenir mugs and a kitten balloon to remember the fun (all except for the not-so-fun memory of being yelled at on the train for having a helium balloon?).

I've missed a lot of points from Saturday, and I have basically said nothing about any of the other days. So maybe Elizabeth can fill you in if she finds time to write a blog this week!

I don't know if I'll be able to write next weekend, since we'll be traveling. Until next time!

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