Mittwoch, 29. Juli 2015
More German Fun
This past week was jammed with goodies. Furniture, language classes, travels, driver's licenses, dinners, and long runs.

I'm going to start by patting us on the back: Elizabeth and I went to dinner with my coworkers on Tuesday! Well... we thought that was the plan. Someone at work arranged a dinner and invited everyone. However, when we arrived at Osteria, I only knew 2 of the 20 people there! Apparently no one else from my department was able to make it. It was still fun. I always enjoy fumbling around the German language more when I have Elizabeth to share it with.

Early this week, Elizabeth and I picked up our new, German driver's licenses! They stole our Kentucky licenses. I'm hoping we know enough German some day in order to figure out how to get those back. We also need to research KY license laws. We have German licenses... and we technically have KY licenses... so can we drive when we visit in December? Right now, my plan if I get pulled over is to act confused and speak only German.

On Wednesday, Elizabeth went with our German teacher to one of her English classes. I don't know much about it, but it sounds like she had a lot of fun (she's going back again tomorrow). If I were you, I'd ask her about it. Also ask her about her potential teaching opportunities.

Our TV stand arrived on Friday! As far as I'm aware, this is our last piece of furniture. It looks really fancy, and it matches our kitchen sideboard. It feels wonderful not having any more furniture to assemble. I was getting tired of using a butcher's knife as a hammer and screwing everything in by hand like a caveman. It would have been wise to buy tools, but I think that ship sailed months ago.

I've started running weekly long runs in preparation for all of the European marathons. My Saturday run was just over the 2 hour mark (I have absolutely no idea how far). I ran back up to Bargau, where we used to live, and up to Bargauer Horn like the good ol' times. It was so windy! I'm sure the German villagers all had a good laugh at the sweaty tourist moving in slow motion.

And, lastly, on Sunday Elizabeth and I took a day trip to Nuremberg for a classical music festival in a park. Nuremberg is less than 2 hours away by train, so it's similar to a quick trip to Louisville. We got pretty lost at first... we walked around for an hour and a half before we found it. For a while, we followed a large group of people only to find that they were going to a DIFFERENT concert (in hindsight, we should've taken the hint and gone to this other concert).

Long story short, we got to our concert so late that it was already over by the time we found it. But we're flexible. We ate lunch on the lake, toured the Nuremberg museum, and walked across the Zeppelin Field (despite its age and dilapidation, it still felt creepy). We didn't make it over to the castle. Maybe we'll make it back there some day.

I hope everyone has a splendid week!

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