Samstag, 17. Oktober 2015
Getting Colder
Greetings! And welcome to another episode of "Durhams in Germany".

It has grown much colder here in Deutschland. Last weekend was sunny and crisp... but that hasn't happened since. I can't help but wonder if we've seen our last ray of sunshine for a while. Even if it weren't cloudy, the sun is only "out" from 8:00 AM until 6:00 PM. Every day I show up to work damp and chilled. I'll need to begin wearing gloves soon. I'm dreading the time change next week (1 week earlier than the US). Come winter, it'll be dark by 4:00 PM. Blech.

As I said last week, we had a wonderful time with Carole and Dave. They only stayed for two days, but I can't blame them. They had already been traveling across Europe for 3 weeks. I can remember Elizabeth and I were unpleasant and grumpy after our 2-week vacation. A third week might have been enough to kill us.

I studied some Schwäbisch Gmünd history before showing them around. It was fun learning about the landmarks around us. I don't think they believed all of the stories and dates that I told them, but that's understandable. We Americans barely ever encounter things more than 200 years old. My favorite part was sneaking into the Heilig-Kreuz-Münster, which is the old (but newer) church in town. It was built in 1320, 100 years after the Johanniskirche was built. History is not my best subject, but I do occasionally enjoy it.

Since then, there's not been a lot going on. I ran to keep up the habit, but short distances since I'm resting up for next week's 50K with other Kyle. He and I are allowed to split up the race however we choose... so we really need to discuss that this week before it's too late! I think I should take the most uphills and he should take the downhills. He's younger and stronger, so he's more suited for tackling those harsh downhills. They could very easily tear my body apart.

We didn't take any new pictures this week. Instead, here's a picture of Buddy from April 2015. We miss him bunches.

We had one German class this week, and we'll have one German class next week. We can feel ourselves grower dumber. It's unpleasant. If I were more disciplined, I'd probably be studying right now. But no. Shucks.

Last night we hung out with the Seegers again! That is always a wonderful experience. I played soccer with little Finn (he kicked my behind). He and I didn't break a single thing in the house. You should be impressed. We ate excellent food, drank some rum, and discussed the unequivocal hilarity of TV sitcoms. Afterwards, we caught the last train home to Gmünd (the smallest train I've ever seen... only one car long). Germany is lots of fun!

That's all I have this week. I can't stress it enough: you must urge Elizabeth to write a blog post in the middle of the week. She has some exciting travel plans coming up soon. Ask for pictures, too!

Tschau tschau!

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