Sonntag, 1. November 2015
Running and Babysitting
While I may have rested this week, not running whatsoever, it didn't stop me from signing up for races.

Yesterday, I entered the lottery for the 2016 Berlin Marathon in September. In December we will learn if I made it in. If we aren't successful this year, then we'll just need to try again next year.

The Berlin Marathon is a very large (nearly 40,000 runners), popular race, known for its breakneck speeds. The last SIX men's marathon world records were set in Berlin (2003 - 2014) [For the record, the women's world hasn't been broken since 2003 because Paula Radcliffe is one of a kind]. If Berlin happens, I don't expect to run a personal best. I want to run it for the experience, which I'm sure will be out of this world. Maybe we'll witness history being made.

I also chose one more race to squeeze into this year: Spijkenisse, Netherlands. We are still ironing out the details, but hopefully it'll work out.

We have cats! Scotty and Finnigan are living with us for the next 3 weeks. They are brothers who are only a few months old. The apartment is now filled with pitter pattering, squeaking, and snorting (Finnigan has a breathing problem). Seriously, breathing through his nose results in loud pigs sounds. It is as cute as it is pitiful.

This is a picture of Scotty because he is infinitely more cuddly than Finnigan. That is also heartbreaking - a kitten who doesn't want to be touched. Poor wheezy, loner Finnigan.

So, while Scotty is getting tummy rubs, Finnigan is pretending to be furniture.

I actually did run yesterday, the first time since last Saturday. Everything start out well. I was groggy, but even the annoying Schwäbisch Gmünd uphills weren't problematic. But, oh my, were downhills painful. I might have pulled or torn something in my butt. I'll be sticking to flat running surfaces for another week or two.

Deutsch Lernen ist noch schwierig. Wir haben zwei Klassen pro Woche, aber ich vergesse immer die Vokabeln. Die Arbeit ist normalerweise auf Deutsch, und ich verstehe fast nie. Es macht keinen Spaß. Vielleicht nächstes Jahr.

Macht's gut!

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