Sonntag, 15. November 2015
Yada yada yada
First of all, I must apologize to everyone. I have no new photos to share with you. While several new pictures have been taken of our cat visitors, I don't feel the need to share them with everyone. Anyway, these cats will be leaving us in a few days. It will be sad to lose the extra life in the apartment, but it won't be very long before we bring our own cats over here.

Running is becoming difficult over here. It grows dark by 5:00, making running on the trails much more treacherous (with or without a light). Besides, sunlight itself is a strong motivator. Without it, it's hard just to get out of the door. I'm experimenting with leaving work early, with limited success so far.

Elizabeth is still eating healthy! It's very impressive. Sadly, it meant that I had pizza night while she had beans. She deserves a medal for her restraint!

I finished book 3 of The Codex Alera series. 3 more books to go. It's a delightful little tale with well-rounded characters in an intriguing setting.If I can convince Elizabeth to read it, then I'll be able to talk to someone about it!

I fell off my bike this week! It doesn't compare to getting into an accident, of course. I'm just limpy and embarrassed. I was on a paved trail, which had developed a thick layer of leaves. I was approaching a tractor and began mimicking its path. And you can guess the rest of it.

My wheels slipped off the hidden curb. Catching me off guard, I took none of the appropriate actions. I flipped off into a front roll, looking up just in time to see the tractor staring back at me with wide eyes. Of course they (father and young son) stopped and asked me if I was okay. It was ridiculously embarrassing. I confirmed that I was fine (in German... so they likely suspected minor brain damage).

I banged instead of scraping, so everything is intact! My clothes have no holes. And my laptop is completely untouched (holy crap that was frightening). My bike is wonky right now. It makes squeaky and crunchy noises from various places. But it'll work itself out.

Das Wetter ist wunderschön. Es regnet nicht. Es war warm und sonnig (bis 17 Uhr). Das ist gut, weil ich keinen Regenmantel habe. Nächste Woche führe ich eine Schulung. Die ganze Woche. Drückt mir die Daumen!

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