Sonntag, 22. November 2015
Long Week
Hello Everyone, and welcome back to your favorite weekly German blog (in English, obviously).

This week, I was co-leading the "New Controller Start-up Training" at work. Sixteen Bosch employees from around the world came together to learn about the company (Hungary, Brazil, US, China, Germany). It was a really fun week, despite being long and exhausting. It takes a lot out of me to interact with new people. Three days lasted until 21:00 or later. So of course I didn't do any running at all. It was quite shameful.

It wasn't entirely the fault of the training. On Thursday, a few of us voluntarily went to the Mexican restaurant for happy hour (we invited everyone, but only had a few takers). I'm not usually a cocktail-drinker, but they turned it into a game that no one could resist. With each drink, the waiter handed you a die. Whatever number you rolled was how much you paid for the cocktail. Of course, it's a little less fun when Elizabeth rolls two 6's!

Elizabeth and I went to our first Weihnachtsmarkt on Saturday! We also rode our first German bus!! And it was the first snow of the season!!! It was a big day for us.

The Christmas market was in a little town, Wissgoldingen. We were invited there by one of the members of the training (Anika). Unlike the market in Gmünd, it only lasted one day. It was so much smaller than I could've imagined, haha. There were a few booths selling various Christmas-themed items. And others selling the typical German market foods. However, the main attraction was the Glühwein (hot, spiced wine). It was sold by the local fire department, and was very inexpensive. Each glass cost only 1,5 ‎€. We also learned about Glühwein variations - which are far superior to standard Glühwein.

"Nikolaus": Glühwein with Amaretto and whipped cream.
"Feuerwehrmann": Glühwein with vodka.

The afternoon quickly grew cold and dark, but the Glühwein kept us toasty warm. And then it started snowing!

Snow was forecasted this weekend, but it didn't seem possible. I guess weathermen are correct every once and a while.

Anyway, the bus was super easy. Apparently it only costs 1 ‎€ on Saturday. We should take the bus more often. Maybe to Heubach so we can hike up the popular hill. I'll try to talk Elizabeth into it next weekend.

Needless to say, today was the ONLY day that I ran this week. I made it longer, but it still doesn't feel like enough. But it'll have to be because the rest of the day is to be spent with Elizabeth for her birthday! Today she turns 1 German year old!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

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