Sonntag, 30. April 2017
11 Months To Go
In my last post, I mentioned I was expecting an American coworker (Tyler) to visit on business. Well, that wasn’t entirely correct. Honestly, I'd say that it was more incorrect than it was correct. That one coworker became two, which became four, which then became five.

Elizabeth got the brunt of it because she’s too nice for her own good. Specifically: when an American visits, she becomes Wonder Woman. Take last Friday as an example. At 10 AM, Elizabeth met up with Sherri—Pam’s mother—because Sherri was alone in Hotel Fortuna for the day. “Who’s Pam?” you might ask. “Who’s Pam?” I asked Elizabeth. “Works for Bosch,” she said.

Anyway, what had begun for Elizabeth as lunch, then turned into an extensive city tour, then shopping, then ice cream with both Sherri and Pam. Eight hours passed, and Elizabeth was still chugging along, so I intercepted her in Marktplatz and dragged her, along with Tyler and another Florence coworker (Josh), to the Little Schnitzel House (where Elizabeth and I consumed more meat than we had during all of 2017 combined). Schnitzel’ed out but still thirsty, our group moved on to a cave bar (I’ve discovered that “cave” is a very popular form of bar in Europe), and then moved once again to M7 (another bar, but less cave-like). It was here that we happened to bump into Pam & Sherri. In that horribly overcrowded bar, they had somehow acquired a table for themselves, so our group of four plopped ourselves on top Pam & Sherri’s laps. Drinks followed drinks, and more drinks. It was midnight before Elizabeth and I finally bailed. Good thing, too. Word is, they closed the bar (3 AM).

Before I forget, we did indeed buy a plant, even though not even I thought we really would. After one day in our custody, I can proudly say that the plant has yet to die.

Saturday… was totally botched. I, as the penny tour guide, was trusted with Tyler’s entertainment, and I had suggested the Stuttgart Frühlingsfest (mini-Oktoberfest). Tyler & Josh shot me down, for good reason: the cost was minimum 50 euros, the entire day would be lost to drinking, rain was extremely likely. In retrospect, though, I should've persisted. Of course Stuttgart was a hard sell—hopping on a train and frivolously spending their limited cash. But if I gave them just a little push, they would’ve had a blast. They were relying on me to convince them to go, and I failed them.

As a consolation, I tried to take my two guys to the local Flea Market, but the noon closing time made it a no-go. Another fail.

Elizabeth had far greater success with Pam & Sherri. We helped them print/scan docs, showed them the Flea Market, grocery, and clothing store, and helped them carry everything from their souvenir spree. I also bought trinkets for Tyler & Josh so they wouldn’t feel too left out.

I first met Bill on Sunday (also from Florence), when I brought Tyler & Josh their trinkets. He had just arrived, and all three of them would be attending the same training the following week. No trinkets for Bill—but what can you do. Now five of us counting Elizabeth and me, together we caught a bus to Heubach for dinner at Altes Sudhaus, for fine German cuisine and camaraderie. By the way, I also phoned in a table reservation, which is a first for me. So, big day.

Thursday was Elizabeth’s final baby class. There weren’t any caps and gowns, as far as I know. But Elizabeth brought cookies, so that’s something. I guess we’re officially ready to be parents now. Hahahahaha… ahhhh.

Puppies, Cats, & Cake! ( That happened today. Sarah and Julia picked us up as usual, because they’re super (Germans say "super", and now I only say "super" apparently) amazing. We were so excited that we walked two rounds. First came the minis: Pillar, Kobra, and Chappy. Sorry. “Chapi.”

Kobra was the same hairless girly we walked last month. All three dogs were adorable and lousy walking buddies. Which was fine because Chapi didn’t mind being carried. He’d give me kisses for my troubles. In any case, it turned out they were actually excellent walkers, at least compared to our second round. Mister and Rocky, specifically, only wanted to sit and cuddle with Elizabeth and Julia.

As you might’ve guessed, Elizabeth cuddled for so long that we missed our cake. All of the cake plates were empty when we walked into the cat rescue, and we were forced to settle for sad little muffins. Still good, but now I need more dessert. Which I can’t get because today is Sunday and tomorrow is a holiday, meaning nothing will be open until Tuesday. Woe! Just… woe.

After muffins, I bought a German book and a CD from their shop. To call it a “Secondhand shop” would be too generous. It’s a shed filled with donated, used stuff. The shed is so filled, in fact, that you cannot see a majority of items because they are lost in stacked boxes 3 or 4 deep. Prices are made up on the spot, too, but it’s generally only 1 euro.

I don’t know what I’ll do with my free day tomorrow. Probably finish reading “The Ocean at the End of the Lane,” assuming I don’t read through it tonight. Halfway in, the atmosphere is incredibly similar to “Coraline.” I wonder if it’ll become a movie ( says it’s in development). Maybe we'll see Alena again to celebrate her new job starting on Tuesday!

Tell me about your day. I’m all ears.

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