Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2017
Growing Family
I realize that I promised more consistent blog posts, and that absolutely has not happened. But, honestly, if anyone was surprised by my lack of follow-through, that’s on them. I’m what I call a pie-in-the-sky optimist—or “delusional”—which means that I’ll advertise the Best Case Scenario no matter how lousy the odds, because I’m happier living inside the lie. I’m lying to myself so convincingly that I’ll truly believe it when I tell someone, “Don’t worry, I’ll make it on time,” when I’m already five minutes late. In short: Don’t invite me anywhere.

I’m very proud to announce that I’m a father now. My son's name is Max, and he’s a sweaty little ball of hiccups. Well, it was actually my sweat because it’s 90 degrees in this top-floor apartment with no air-conditioning, but now that sweat is all over him, so I think an argument could be made that Max is now the owner of said sweat. And of hiccups. Max is a champion hiccuper. (I’ve just added “hiccuper” to my Microsoft Word dictionary, and I’d suggest anyone reading this do the same.)

The big news this week is that Max’s grandma is visiting for the first time! She arrived late on Tuesday, and they make an adorable pair. If I can snag a photo, I’ll stick it in here. Grandma is so happy to meet Max that she hasn’t complained once about the heat. Grandma came bearing gifts of diapers and milk bags, which Max’s parents can’t wait to play with.

And yesterday Max received a box from Louisville, KY! As well as two letters from the city of Schwäbisch Gmünd. Less than one month old and already Max receives more mail than I do. The kid doesn’t even have a birth certificate yet. I’m afraid all of this popularity will go straight to his head.

The problem with babies—especially first babies, I’m assuming—is that: (1) They are indefensibly time-consuming, considering that they don’t move or talk or even be awake very well, because (2) They are positively fascinating. Why? Newborns barely do more than nothing. And what little they do should have no chance at competing with, say, Emmy Award Winning television. But, no. Turn that TV off because I’m watching Max stretch with his little chin in the air. I guess what I’m saying is: Of course I’ve not kept up with the blog. I’ve kept up with essentially nothing since Max was born. Except showering. I’ve started showering now that Grandma’s in town. It seemed like the least I could do.

Next week I’ll be in Munich for a few days, which will be a blast, and so maybe I’ll come back and post about that.

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Welcome Max, may you enjoy a long and happy life!

To be born at the end of May / beginning of June is wonderful because the days are still getting longer, the whole summer lies ahead, you can hear the swifts in the air - the sound of summer and happiness - roses are everywhere, and you get the best strawberries for your birthday cake.

Congratulations to the proud parents and grand-parents.

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